Book your stay with Crooklands Cattery today

You can book your cats in with us by giving us a call on 01555 811 541 or 07742 002 341. Alternatively you can use the booking form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible to confirm dates.

Date of Boarding

Date From(Required)
Date To(Required)
Arrival Time(Required)
Pick Up Time(Required)
Owner's Name(Required)

Emergency Contact Information

Name of person available to act on your behalf(Required)

About Your Cat(s)

Health Status

Date vaccination expires(Required)
Authorisation for veterinary treatment(Required)
I give permission for the proprietors of Crooklands Cattery to administer worm/flea treatment as necessary. I agree that in the case of a suspected illness, a veterinary surgeon may be contacted, my cat examined and investigations performed if required (e.g. blood tests). I agree to the proprietors of Crooklands Cattery administering any prescribed treatments the vet considers advisable. I understand that the tests and treatments will be given at my own expense.

Please bring your vaccination care with you. We cannot accept cats for boarding without this being checked.

Book A Viewing Appointment

To ensure the security and privacy of our boarding guests, viewing is by appointment only.

Book An Appointment